Financial Security is the ability to afford your expenses, live comfortably on your income and save for the future. A big sign of financial security is having enough emergency savings to cover yourself when times are tough. Another sign is steering clear of high-interest debt. – Source:
For financial security you will need income and management of that income. Income will often require you to earn that income through jobs or career. You can be self employed or employed by others. For money management, you will need to learn how to think about money and how to budget. There are a variety of things to consider when it comes to financial security.
- Income
- Jobs vs Career
- Common
- Cover Letter
- Resume
- Interviewing for jobs
- Jobs –
- Finding jobs
- Keeping jobs
- Career –
- Career Development and Management
- Job boards, job recruiters, head hunters
- Career Development and Management
- Common
- Other Income – retirement, trust fund, rich parents, inheritance
- Jobs vs Career
- Money Management
- Thinking about money – afford, living within means, etc.
- Cost Considerations – There are various considerations people have when thinking about the costs of the products and services that they will be purchasing. Some of those considerations are going to be quality, time, and status symbols.
- Budgeting – tracking, budgeting,
- Retirement savings and investments
- Thinking about money – afford, living within means, etc.
Notes to sort:
Alex Hormozi – If I Wanted to Become a Millionaire In 2024, This is What I’d Do [FULL BLUEPRINT]
Tony Robbins – Tony Robbins on Money: Master The Game (on Marie Forleo channel)(Book: MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom)
Dave Ramsey – most popular YouTube video: