The moss air filter is designed to to function as an air filter for houses and other enclosed environments. There is a number of horizontal surfaces in the filter. From the inlet/outlet ends you see vertical walls from top to bottom. A second option to expand surface area is to use pillars that go through the horizontal surfaces from top to bottom and are spaced from inlet to outlet where the spaces are close or the same size as the pillar short sides.
The horizontal and vertical surfaces have a wire mesh type surface. A solid surface may be sandwiched between wire mesh surface panels or have the pits etched into the flat surfaces. Green moss that can withstand heating and cooling cycles in the air system are used on the in or out portion of the heating cooling system. Out would be the best as it would condition the temperature modified air to convert CO2 in the air to fresh oxygen rich breathing air. This should also clean minor amounts of contaminants as well.
The moss may be able to thrive on what is in the air provided to it but may need a moisture drip or spray system integrated. Moss can generally live in dim light but probably will need some kind of growing lights integrated. LEDs can be used with filters made by covers or a coating to convert the light to what plants would need.
Being able to breath fresh air inside has always been a dream and this might be a possible solution to aid in that quest.