The dictionary describes free will as: the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one’s own discretion.
Free Will Scenario 1
Do you pick what color you like? Was it your will to like that color or someone else will to like that color? You can say and act like you like a color someone tells you to like but that does not mean you actually like it.
Free Will Scenario 2
Do you choose how you will react to what you encounter in life? Did someone force you to pick those choices or did you decide to do that action of your own will?
Free Will Scenario 3
If you are given the choice to choose between 4 different meals, who’s will is deciding which choice you are choosing? Are you choosing it with your will or are you choosing it with someone else’s will? If you decide to choose something based on someone else’s will, it was your will that wanted that motivation to be used and then acted on it.
Humanity has free will to choose from the options they can perceive are available to them. The actual options available to them are always far greater than they are able to perceive because nobody is able to perceive all options available because nobody is perfect and all knowing.
Our senses tint and vary the actual information it is attempting to sense. Our own minds information that is imperfect them interprets that imperfect sensing of information within that entities environment.
Many people feel that humanity does not have free will because of the options that are forced upon them to use to make their decisions. However reality is not a conscious entity. It is a reactive entity with no goals in mind except operating on the principles of cause and effect.
If an entity that has its own goals and is not a reactive system only and forces you to do something that is not what you want to do, then it is not a situation of free will. Free will allows a person to choose what things matter to them most on a more complex value than A is before B and more uses a weighted approach found in weighted scorecarding methods.
Reactiveness to something may not always be in our control due to low level habits or autonomous body functions such as how hungry you may be. Those things play into what options we have available to use.